First Round of EXAMS Done...TIME TO GO OUT

So we just finished our first round of exams this last Wed. and it was time to go out...The night began with some wine at Kristas' house and then off the "Sugars", where as usual Teresa kicks everyones but in kareoki and I usually get mine kicked in pool.

This was the first and probably the last week night that we all will out. It was a great time and there was no doubt that we needed to blow off some steam. The first round seemed to go fairly well, hopefully that will continue. We have just about a week until the next one...thank goodness for the breathing room:):)
At 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Auntie Kheli, How come me and Soto never get to go out???
At 5:47 PM,
Krista K. said…
Why does rockstar think that he is human??
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Kheli...sorry I haven't gotten a chance to write on your blog...but now I will.
Thanks for watching the "Fatman"...can you guess who that is? Sounds like him and Soto are the best of buddies....
I bet you were excited to be done studying for all of your tests...just one more hell week and one semester is done right?
Good luck!
At 5:53 AM,
Krista K. said…
Yeah, Kheli (and Soto and teresa) thankyou for watching the skinnier-than-he-used-to-be man (he used to have a weight problem, shhhhh!) he told me that you guys were excellent babysitters but that auntie teresa basically starved him and wouldnt give him any treats....
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who you calling fat???
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