Hell Week is Over...Just in time for finals!!!

We have successfully made it through what is called "hell week". In the last four days we have had three major exams. Monday- Histology. This one was not too bad it just included digestion, respiration, endocrine system, blood, lymphatics...so pretty much the biggest systems of the body. Tuesday we had the anatomy lab exam. This is a 30 question exam in which you walk around the lab and identify specific parts that one of the five anatomy professors have chosen. They put our dog cadavers on the tables and we have to either identify a muscle, nerve, artery, vein, etc. This one went relatively well considering it was the entire dog...thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, male and female reproductive organs, cranial nerves (including structures that pass through the holes of the head), and both thoracic and pelvic limbs. Most days I am overwhelmed with the amount of material they cram into our heads. I hope it stays there at least through finals. Our last and final exam of the week was the anatomy written exam. This is a 75 question multiple choice test. It has been written by our five anatomists and the best way to describe it was painful. You sit there for the two hour duration knowing that the correct answer is staring you in the face...you just hope that you choose it. Like the lab exam this too covered the entire canine anatomy, not to mention the differences in the feline. The saying that "real doctors practice all species" is starting to make a lot more sense to me. I have to work hard to understand one animal not to mention all animals.
We finished our last exam on thanksgiving so we thought that it would be necessary to go out for dinner. This is the five of us at Bobsy's enjoying being served (we really never eat out) and a few cocktails. Krista is next to me along with Scott...then there is Bill and Teresa. We started with a little dinner and then headed to the one bar in the town of Basettere....The Anchor. The anchor is where we usually end up if we do go out....the whole school usually ends up there since it seems to be the only bar that isn't out on the beach. Don't get me wrong the beach bars are fun but you can really only deal with so much sand everywhere.

At 1:41 PM,
Krista K. said…
You didnt mention how well we all did on the exams!!!! Only a handful more tests (and another week like the last one) and we are 10% done vet school and on our way to fame and glory... lol.
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