Life on the Rock

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Flash Flooding in St. Kitts

Last week St. Kitts was hit with a hard rain storm. It is a normal occurance to receive rain daily, but it usually only lasts for about an hour and then passes by. Last week it seemed to last for about three days. Through the center of our town, Basseterre, there are two "river-like" structures that they call ghauts. These structures drain the rain that comes down from the mountains and runs off through the city, out to the ocean. Usually after a decent rain they will be somewhat difficult to drive through but after last week there was no crossing them. Driving to school was interesting but by the end of the day we were stuck at campus. The roads were closed down and like everything else on this island it took them too long to clean it up. I signed up to live in paradise...this is very far from it!

It would not let me take the pictures from the website to post on the blog but see the below site for some photos of our town...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Monday Night w/ Dallas...and TO!!

Last night we were able to make it out for monday night football. We just finished our second Histology exam and needed to relax with a little pizza, beer and TO. There is a little sports bar down on the water. "Oasis"...enjoyed the environment but can't say that it was the best pizza but it was the first one since leaving the states...gotta love fat girl food!
ps. sorry V about the Cowboys...i could only imagine what you were throwing at Dave....

Teresa, Krista, Julia and Cory..

Todd, Me and Bill...

Next round of exams isn't for at least a week. Hopefully we will get some relaxing in before then??

A little Early Halloween Party..

Last Friday we decided to go to an early Halloween party. Next weekend we have a three day mid-semester break, inwhich numerous students leave the island to visit neighboring islands. So what better excuse to party then to celebrate Halloween a week early. As you could imagine coming across a costume is fairly difficult. Most people are creative but, because I spend the majority of my time studying Krista had to throw something together for me and Teresa last minute. Krista made me be a hippy while Teresa was a goth girl.

"Gang Green" was a big hit...Scott, Todd, and Bill were talking about their costumes weeks early...

Is that Zinc on Dan's nose...??

We started the night out at Jays' preparty...gotta love a guy dressed as a Christmas tree (mistletoe and all)!!

Costumes are a little scarce on the island...interesting that the men had less clothes on than the women...that would be a record on halloween. Had to have a photo opp with Superman...

At some point every man has a desire to dress as a woman. I don't understand it but my neighbor couldn't help but shave his legs, paint his nails and wear a wig...i don't understand this but had to get a photo!!!

Soto Doggy Sitting his Buddy

A few weekends ago I had to watch my good ol' buddy Rockstar. This photo was taken right before Rockstars mommy left for the weekend to go to a friends wedding in Maine.

Rockstar had a little bit of a rough time while his mom was gone...he ended up slightly depressed and would not get off the sofa

I started out really enjoying my weekend of doggy sitting my buddy but than I got slightly bored...all he wanted to do was eat.

Gotta go study- Soto

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Guys Come and Go but you know what they say about Girlfriends...

Kyle sent this saying to me and I thought it was perfect to share with everyone!!! Can't wait to see you Kyle, I miss you lots!!

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When i get home in dec. we will not just be sitting on the bar...we will be dancing:):)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sotos Care Package

Finally Grandma sent my care package. My favorite present was this somewhat small time I am hoping for a larger bone, maybe an elephant femur?? Anyway, I also got tennis balls, beach toys, and a pull rope that I am supposed to share with rockstar...yeah, we will see if that is really going to happen. My mom also got a few necessities but I would have preferred if the space were used for more dog toys. I guess I will let it go this time…but whomever decides to send me another care package feel free to address it directly to me therefore my moms stuff won’t get in the way.

For those who are interested here is our contact information:

Kheli Greenamyer
C/o Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
PO Box 334
Basseterre, St. Kitts
West Indies

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Friday Night Beach Volleyball at Angelus

So one day I opened my big mouth and told someone that I used to play a little volleyball...I learned the hard way, probably a small mistake because I ended up on a team with all guys. So far we have played the last three weeks every Friday evening after class. It is a perfect time to get away from studying, get some sun, and get a little work out. It is also Soto’s' chance to work on his swimming skills along with playing with the other Ross dogs. Games usually start around 3:45, right after we get out of class. I have enough time to run home, grab my beach gear, get Soto, and head to “Angelus” (the beach where we play at). So far this seems to be the best part of my week!

Mom please let me go play with all the other dogs!!!!!

A little bit of Teresa in action...

And a little re-creation of me kicking a little bootie.... so my neighbor jumped in for a little extra drama...

First Round of EXAMS Done...TIME TO GO OUT

So we just finished our first round of exams this last Wed. and it was time to go out...The night began with some wine at Kristas' house and then off the "Sugars", where as usual Teresa kicks everyones but in kareoki and I usually get mine kicked in pool.

This was the first and probably the last week night that we all will out. It was a great time and there was no doubt that we needed to blow off some steam. The first round seemed to go fairly well, hopefully that will continue. We have just about a week until the next one...thank goodness for the breathing room:):)

Friday, October 06, 2006


"Okay Mom... I have my Ross Univ. ID on, I studied all through undergrad with you, and I probably know more than half the other students...Can I please go to school with you???????"

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Little Peace

I took this photo from Kristas' bog. As hard as we work at school sometimes we have to take a deep breath, look out over our view at school, pinch ourselves, and remind ourselves why we are here. Things have been very hard the last few weeks. Not only have we had numerous exams (with very little sleep), it is finally settling in that this is my life now. Some of it is good, some of it is hell but, it is what it least for now.

Pet Sitters of SD Watch Out!!!

Anyone need a responsible pet sitter in good old SD??? These are some of my Moms clients from the last week. Soto is a little jealous but knows they were all in good hands:)

Girls Night Out!!

So we have officially been in school for 5 weeks and it is starting to take its toll. We have only been out a few times and last Saturday we needed to have a girls night. A few bottles of wine, Kristas' BBQ chicken, and some hair bleach...can you ask for anything more? Finding someone to do your hair on the island is almost impossible so, after we had some vino, I decided to let Teresa try some hair highlighting. Oh, and that is my new engagement ring...just kidding it is Teresas' baby:)

It is hard to tell here but we don't think it turned out too bad...T, if vet school doesn't work out maybe you should try beauty school:):)

The night ended hair is blond, we had some drinks and dessert at the Marriott, and Teresa ended up in the fountain in front of the resort... perfect ladies night. Stay posted, this next Friday may get even crazier....!